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Polly headshot


-the brains of the operation

-remembers everything she sees

-currently into botany,  painting, and amateur detective work


-runs the workshop

-able to turn anything into a manifestation coin

-currently into riddles, woodworking, dad jokes

Origami headshot
Justin headshot


-head human at White Rabbit Gameworks

-keeps the carrots flowing for the rabbits

-currently into miniature carpentry, glass blowing, and Pez collecting

White Rabbit Gameworks was born in 2020 during the height of quarantine. There was a strong to desire to leave the house for an adventure but given the times, that was tough. The treasure hunt was created to have that exact kind of adventure and mystery from your own home or anywhere you desire to be – your very own hand-held escape room with 1 in 100 chance at real treasure. The first quest is limited to 100. All are laser cut, screen printed, hand assembled, and field tested in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Unusual Suspects is the first in a series of puzzle boxes to come. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the know about this and future Quests!